Hoping that you had a wonderful Christmas season celebrating the reason for the season. As the new year approaches, we tend to come up with new year resolutions such as losing weight and other goals. Most people chuckle at the ideas as unrealistic. It takes very intentional lifestyle changes to break old habits.
I remember when the Holy Spirit told me, “You’re too busy. I am always speaking and have much to tell you. You’re too busy. Saturate yourself in my word” Ouch. God was asking me for more than my normal quiet time.
I thought I was good. Yet he requires more, far from the average. I desire to tap into the heavens where he is full of revelation. The more I press in, the more he elevates me to greater, new levels.
Is time spent with Him our priority? The Holy Spirit gave me a vision a few years ago of the average Christian. Jesus is on the shelf, but on the very same shelf is business, sports, other relationships, etc. He is asking us as followers to clear the shelf. Where he is the only thing we cling too. Jesus + nothing is a post I shared a few months ago.
The truth is I don’t want to go one more year striving for anything that does not align with His greater calling on my life. I want to hear clearer, move quicker, and impact more than ever. We don’t have time to waste.
When our time is up, it really won’t matter how much money or material possessions we earned. If our kids go to college and make us proud. If our calendar was full of social activities. The only thing that will last and the only thing that will be remembered is what we did for His kingdom. The eternal impact we make will change History.
He says, Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you. Be very careful, then, how you live not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lords will is.” – Ephesians 5: 14-17
Let us not stay safe and comfortable but may we live a life that points to Christ by living bold, obedient, and full of faith.
Let’s pray:
“Lord, thank you for this year 2017. I will live in 2018 with a greater focus on you and my calling to change my sphere of influence. To point to you every chance I get and to love well. I pray for daily divine appointments that bring you glory. Amen.”
Thanks for this reminder at the end of 2017 & the beginning of 2018!