Do you ever imagine God like I do? When I worship, pray and study His word, He is then well pleased. And sensing His presence is evidence of His approval. Yet, the truth is he has angels praising Him 24/7 crying out, “Holy. Holy. Holy.” meaning he doesn’t need our inconsistent human worship. He doesn’t need our quiet time. We do. Our undivided attention draws us closer to Him and the closer we get to God, the better it is for us.
Sit at His feet
I see God as I would a relationship. When you begin to fall in love, you suddenly want to spend every moment with that person. You desire to get to know them, putting all other plans to the side, making this love a priority. So it is with God. In order to know Him intimately, to know His voice clearly and have the future he has planned, we must spend daily time with Him.
Recently, the Holy Spirit told me clearly, “Spend more time with me, you’ve been too busy. I am always speaking and I want to show you things. Saturate yourself in my word. I am going to use you in ways you have never imagined.” We must live a life of unquestioned obedience.
Worship, prayer and His word also protects us. The closer we get to God, the less the enemy can gain access to us; satans kingdom-influence is lessened and God’s Kingdom-influence and covering are strengthened. We must step out the door each day set with the full armor of God so that we can take our stand against the devil’s schemes. Ephesians6:10
Just as we clap and shout for a baseball player who hits a home run, or for a football quarterback who lunges a long pass into the hands of the receiver, or at a concert where the band brings the audience to their feet so it’s fitting to worship God. He is more than worthy.
Worship also keeps us walking in humility and godly character. Even though God doesn’t need our attention, His word is full of commands urging us to worship, pray and seek His face. He is after our hearts in purity and obedience and he does enjoy our fellowship and our expression of love for Him.
I want to worship more with you!!! Thank you! Thank you!
I love this Leah ! Just what I needed to read today 🙂