Everywhere I go, I want to be a carrier of the presence and power of God. I celebrated my birthday on January 25th and what a month! I was invited to the Presidential Inaugural Ball in Washington, DC and traveled to Puerto Rico for a week (really I wanted to get out of this winter cold and sit in the sunshine). For those that know me, whether at home or traveling, I desire and ask the Lord for daily divine appointments. I treat every day like a missions trip.
God Setup
Puerto Rico was a nice getaway with quiet times on the beach, walking the town and exploring the sites. But the best part of my trip was on my last night, when I led my Uber driver to Christ! 😭
As soon as I got in the car, he looks at me and says, What is it about you? You have such peace and joy. I told him that only Jesus satisfies and we’re not promised tomorrow. I asked if I could pray over him, he was crying. Then I asked if he wanted to give his life completely to Jesus and get saved. He was thinking about it and then said yes and repeated the sinners prayer with me. It was a powerful time. I’m so amazed at how good God is. I’ve had about 10 different uber drivers and they’ve all been divine appointments but on my last night God did a thing!
Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.” –Ephesians 5:15-17
It’s amazing what God will do when you live ready and available! Our lives should be full of Jesus adventures and divine appointments. He calls us to be his hands and feet. Let’s make heaven crowded.
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