Merry Christmas friends! I have a message on my heart to share with you. Jesus is seeking after those that are truly his. Far to many people treat God like a “Santa Jesus” as I call it. As if he is here to serve us and check off our list.
It’s more common to just believe in God, say the prayer of salvation and go to church but God requires more than what is convenient and comfortable. He wants it all. Your whole heart. True Surrender.
It’s not what God can do for us, it’s what we can do for God.
Jesus says, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. ” –Matthew 16:24-25
I used to live this selfish christian life, as if I was driving the car and Jesus was my passenger. Like, I got this Jesus, I’ll call on you when I’m facing an emergency.
Now I have given him complete control. He’s driving the car. I’m not even the passenger. I’m in the back seat wondering where we are headed most times. haha But when you trust the driver then you can rest easy not knowing every twist and turn and when we’ll get to our destination.

People look at my life and they are impressed with my faithfulness, favor, boldness and joy. But understand this, Favor follows radical obedience. Everything good begins with Surrender and is the overflow of Obedience, Humility and Repentance.
In order to live a life of peace, increase & joy we must obey his call and get our hearts and priorities right. This is what he requires first.
Do you really trust Jesus with your life friends?
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