The Holy Bible is still the best selling book of all time, yet so many believers are missing out on its benefits. It is essential to spend time studying the word of God, while allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to us and transform our lives through his word.
Tune into this podcast message as Leah teaches on why it is so important to meditate on the scriptures daily.
Our Daily Bread
The bible is so much more than just a cool history book. It is the breathing active and living word of God. When studied and applied, it transforms us, brings us joy, peace, revelation and intimacy with Christ.
I like the bible app but one cute verse of the day is not enough. We must study God’s word daily.
If you have a hard time engaging when reading the bible, then you are not alone. I can relate. I have never been a bookworm and I get easily distracted. But knowing that God uses the bible to speak to us and transform our hearts, led me to start praying.
I asked God to give me a great hunger and love for his word. For him to push back all other distractions as I invited the holy spirit to speak to me through his word. I intentionally turn off my cell phone, put it in the other room and remove distractions. I also prepare my heart to receive.
Now friends, I crave it. I need that time spent with him in his word everyday and it is no longer optional. I actually get irritated and “hangry” when I don’t start my day in the scriptures.

Be Intentional
Have you noticed that you can watch shows or scroll online for hours and feel fine. But as soon as you open up your bible, you suddenly feel sleepy? This is not because the bible is boring. Instead it is a direct attempt from the enemy to keep us from reading Gods word.
The reason is because the devil understands that if you know your word, then you will know your identity in Christ and you will recognize the lies he has had us believing. You will then have confidence in your relationship with Jesus and the authority to defeat him. He tries to prevent that but God offers freedom in him alone.
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, correcting, encouragement and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” – 2 Timothy 3: 16-17
Tune in to the full teaching on the latest podcast episode, Our Daily Bread:
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Be Encouraged, Leah
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