I think often of when I first moved to the south, known as the bible belt. As a wedding photographer, it shook me to witness a super holy, sacred ceremony but just 15 mins later a drunken, club like reception.
I remember being saddened by this fact after one wedding so I took it up with God on my drive home that night, “I don’t get it God, they say their Christians here, there’s a church on every corner.”
His reply was everything.
“There’s a church on every corner but they don’t know me.”
But they don’t know me.
He also gave me a clear vision of a bookshelf that had sports, craft beer, sex, and Jesus all on the same shelf.
Jesus isn’t looking to be a convenient addition to your life. He’s not ok with you living and looking just like the world but still claiming him.
The very definition of Christian means “Christ like.” If you are comfortable living world like, then just believing in God doesn’t make you a Christian.
He requires repentance, surrender and intimacy.
Claiming to be a Christian is easy, but living for Christ is a whole nother life.”
We must live a life of holy conviction friends.
Hear my heart, I’m not saying you must be perfect, none of us are. What I am saying is, if you are living for yourself instead of living with a humble attitude of repentance and surrender to God alone, then I challenge you to search your heart today and get it right.

This prayer changed my life:
“Lord, I repent for anything that doesn’t please you. Easily convict me. Have your way in my life. I surrender all. Whatever you want, I’m yours.” 🔥
If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?“ –Matthew 16:24
Be Encouraged! Leah
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