Listen in to the new podcast episode, Fear of God where I break down the difference between an unhealthy fear of God and one that is driven by love.
This is a much needed message for the church today. I believe we are in God’s exposing season. We see the sad news of pastors and leaders that preach the gospel now being exposed for living double lives. You see, we might claim to love God, we might serve him and even have faith, but do we fear God?
Sweet Conviction
A heart that is soft, humble, teachable, and allows the holy spirits sweet conviction is evidence of living with the fear of God. It’s not living a perfect, flawless life where you never make a mistake but instead when you do, you are quick to admit wrong, repent and do better. Without that sensitivity to the voice of the holy spirit, we start to become desensitized and then justify our actions. Ultimately, we will live separated from God if we continue to live in sin.
The fear of God that is driven by love means you desire to live a life that pleases the father. You don’t want to break his heart and live separated from him. You will do whatever it takes to keep your heart right. That means you can’t just listen to any music, watch any show, hang out with anybody, and not feel convicted. We must captivate our thoughts, keep our tongue from slander and keep our heart free of offense. No one is perfect at this, but when our desire is to live holy then we make choices that reflect Jesus.
Intimacy is the Key
At the end of the day, God is after our heart, not our performance. But our performance changes when our heart does. We must be closely connected to the vine in order to have life and lasting fruit. We can do no good thing apart from him. He is calling us close friends.
Tune into the podcast episode, Fear of God now available:
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Erika says
Yes! Our motives need not be unhealthy fear of God, but loving him so much we don’t want to sin ♥️ and because we love Him. His love is not conditioned by our sin. He loves unconditionally – yes! Not driven by punishment but by Love – yes! 💗
Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and teachable. Small compromises lead to big consequences. Love this. So true.
Lena Nanette says
Preach it!! ❤️❤️❤️ That’s a good WORD❤️❤️
Bethany says
Come on sis! Preach!
Crystal says
Love this!!
Kerrita says
Praise the Lord. Wonderful message.
Tammy Drabec says
Leah, you are such a woman of God!!!! You bless my heart so very very much!!!! I think of you often and I know in my heart that you are totally blessed by God!!! When you speak I feel like it is the spirit of the Lord speaking to me. I know God has big plans for you and I pray I will be blessed to see them unfold. Personally you have blessed my life beyond belief and I’m so thankful for our friendship and even though I’m so much older than you, you have ministered to me through the years I love you so very much❤️❤️❤️ Our good Lord sees your bravery and how you stand up for the truth, I’m so proud of you but I know our wonderful Lord is beyond proud of you and is changing life’s through your words🙏🏻😘
April says
Awesome message
Lori says
Is true, Leah – He sets us apart! Not to feel condemned but to rise up to His level of grace. Be worthy of the grace we received! We could avoid so many problems and issues in life…