Hello friends, happy October! Now on the podcast, I answer your questions regarding the current episodes of Season 2. Listen in as I discuss how to discern God’s will, the upcoming election and why cutting out the middleman is the best.
Repent + Pray
This past weekend was unforgettable. My dad and sister flew in from California and we drove to Washington DC to join 100,000 people in prayer. We are forever marked by this powerful move of God.
Generals of the Faith led us in repentance, prayer and shared hope for America. Shofars were blown throughout the day as it was atonement season + Yom Kippur.
Vice President, Mike Pence + Franklin Graham lead us in a powerful yet peaceful prayer march. We walked 2 miles, covering the entire National Mall with prayer. President Trump wrote us a letter of blessing and was praying along side of us. It was exactly what we need during this time as we joined the body of Christ, from all over the world, in unity and prayer.
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” – 2 Chronicles 7:14
The Return event, led by Jonathan Cahn was a time of prayer, worship and repentance. In addition, so many amazing leaders took the stage to share their testimonies, their faith in God and to pray.
Enjoy some of these powerful moments captured with my iphone. You can watch a video of the images and footage I captured at the event on my instagram page, @thelensoffaith
Tune in to the podcast, Q + A – Bonus Episode: God’s Will, Voting + the Middleman now available:
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