It can be disheartening for a Conservative Christian American living in our current days. From a pandemic, protests, people full of hate, unrest, division and politics. We must pray while doing our part to bring America back to God.
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” –2 Chronicles 7:14
Special Guest
This week on the podcast, I welcome North Carolina State Legislature candidate, Scott Populorum. Scott is a man of God with a heart to make a difference in government. In 2010, he planted bible clubs in public schools. Even when they told him no and he had much push back, he persisted. God opened up the doors. There are now multiple, life changing clubs throughout the state.

The Game Changer
We are currently in the election season of 2020. Let me remind you, our hope does not lie in the next president. What our country needs is Jesus. Only he can turn things around. He alone can change hearts.
God brings that security, future and morality we seek. We must vote and know who is in control. Keep your soul at peace. God is still the ruler of all. He still sits on the throne and the government is on His shoulders.
Let us be carriers of peace, for we have a great responsibility to be the light where ever he has placed us. There are so many hurting people that need to know of the hope we hold. This security doesn’t hinge on “who wins”. Because He holds the world and the future in His hands. I vote Jesus every time.
Tune in to the podcast, Taking America Back now available:
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