This week, I revisit the Purpose Driven Friends post I wrote in 2017. This time, I have the friend and inspiration behind it, sharing on the podcast. Woohoo!!
Special Guest
In this episode, I sit with one of my dearest friends Melissa to talk all things friendship. Over the years people have approached us confused. Wondering, “How are you two even friends? We don’t get it. You are sooo opposite.” Yes, we definitely are. Except in the one way that counts. We are both Jesus lovers.
Tied for more
Melissa has been more than a purpose driven friend, but also a Jonathan friend. What is a Jonathan friend? Tune in to find out. It’s soo good. I guarantee your mind will be blown and your entire idea of friendship a great way. I know ours was big time.

A facebook post popped up recently with a photo I posted of us years ago. This is still so true: Words can never truly express what this girl means to me. One in a trillion doesn’t do it. There is not one time that we meet that I don’t walk out a better person. She fasts for me, prays for me, speaks over me, believes in every word, encourages me, cries with me, laughs with me, fights for me. God sent me an unwavering angel to be by my side when it matters most and I will never forget your faithfulness Melissa, my friend.
One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” -Proverbs 18:24
Allowing God to choose your friends, no matter how unlikely it seems, is key to having friendships that count.
Tune in to listen to the full interview:
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This podcast message!! Yes! Let God choose our relationships and it’s supernatural. Awe, you remind me of Jesus too, I know exactly what she meant. This is so good.
Wow, the two of you sharing from your hearts made me tear up. Although I have purpose-driven friends in my life, I only hope to experience the Jonathan friendship you’re describing. When one sticks up for another through thick and thin.
It was a great podcast Leah! You do an amazing job!