When we allow the Lord to keep us in check, it keeps us in right standing with Him. However, when our hearts are not softened and humble then in pride we justify ourselves. We justify our thoughts and our actions. At that point, it often takes something “major” to show us our faults. Or worse off, we become all together desensitized.
However, there is a difference between conviction and shame. The Holy Spirit softly convicts us to keep ourselves free of sin and to keep us living a righteous life. The purpose is for us to humble ourselves, repent and become more Christlike. It is for our own good and His glory.
The enemy, however, brings guilt and shame in order to make us feel bad and unworthy, with a goal to paralyze us. He also blinds us to our sin.
Change of Heart
Now I am happy, not because you were made sorry, but because your sorrow led you to repentance. For you became sorrowful as God intended and so were not harmed in any way by us. Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.” – 2 Cor. 7:9-10
I remember the time where I would get angry, hold onto unforgiveness and offense and then justify that “they” were wrong. Many times I would not feel convicted at all. However, the more I repented of pride and allowed Him to change and soften my heart, the more my heart changed.
Now I realize how quickly I get convicted. The moment I feel anger or anything that might pollute me, I get an immediate check in my spirit. We can either ignore or justify that check or quickly recognize it and repent. We don’t want to be desensitized to the necessary process of Jesus making us holy.
As I was sitting in quiet time the other day, I just started thanking the Holy Spirit for being quick to convict me. Whether in my attitudes, actions or thoughts. It prevents any damage from being done. In addition, I thank Him for His wisdom and for keeping me humble and repentant. That is what leads to a holy and righteous life.
When we are humble and sensitive, then we are able to receive that sweet conviction with open arms, not a rebellious spirit. The end result is peace, a soft heart and joy.
Great post!